About Connecting Matters
What is Connecting Matters?
Connecting Matters is a retreat for married couples designed to provide a unique opportunity to take time out to focus on the relationship. It is not aimed at solving marriage problems; however, in a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere, participants are encouraged to review their marriage, recognise and build upon strengths, and identify and discuss potential trouble spots. The retreat is for those who desire to improve on what they have. We also offer specialised workshops that target specific trouble spots in a relationship, such as dealing with past or present trauma(s).
What can we expect?
We offer stimulating presentations and discussions. Even though sharing is grounded in Christian principles and the presenters’ lived experiences, people of all faiths are welcome. The format is not sitting and listening to lectures. Rather, it is experiential and fun. You will NOT be asked to share anything private or confidential, nor be pressured to ‘work on your marriage’ in front of other couples. In fact, you don’t have to say a word publicly. Nevertheless, participants have said that hearing other couples voluntarily discuss similar marital issues, helps them to normalise difficulties with their spouses.
We encourage active, honest participation and interaction with your spouse over relevant topics such as connecting in strengths and needs, connecting in communication, connecting in anger and conflict, connecting the past with the present, connecting in sexuality and connecting in spirituality and intentional dreaming. Participants have said they enjoy being with other couples who are serious about improving their marriage and have taken time from their busy schedules to make connecting with each other a high priority.
“Thank you for this weekend. Our marriage was on life support and we really didn’t even know, we were so hardened to it. This weekend exposed our hearts and broke us… The tools and guidance of Paula and Barry were life-giving. We know there is a lot to go, but we have hope for the first time in a while.”
“This weekend has been the single most valuable investment we’ve made in our 16-year marriage. Thank you for not overloading us with information and then sending us home to do the work. Rather, you allowed us the begin meaningful work right here. Thank you for your eternal investment. You have impacted us, our children and our students.”
What will we come away with?
Connecting Matters is an opportunity to `meet’ your spouse again, to renew your relationship through communication and to discover new meaning and joy within your marriage relationship. This workshop/retreat is a gift you can give to each other through the sharing of yourself and your time. Time is our most precious possession and spending it with each other is a priceless gift.
This gift, initiated on the weekend, can supply you with new tools and new growth in your marriage relationship. Continued use of these tools will enhance your relationship and allow it to grow towards genuine intimacy.
Those with a good relationship will have the opportunity to better it. Those with a tired relationship will have the opportunity to revive it. Those with a cold relationship will have the opportunity to warm it.
Our Values
Our Values
Freely give
Deeply love
Mercifully act
what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.”
~ Micah 6:8 MSG ~
- Christian beliefs and principles inform our spirituality and are our core values. However, we respect alternate beliefs and differing values. People are important to us and those from all faiths and cultural contexts are approached as unique groups/individuals.
- We believe that transparency and truth build trust in a marriage relationship.
- We believe that struggle, failure and conflict are inevitable in marriage and are part of the growth and healing process.
- We believe that the foundations of closeness and intimacy are fostered through intentionally seeking to learn to love well. Our desire to support others to nurture integrity, compassion and authenticity in marriage relationships is a reflection of this value.
Barry and Paula Davis
Barry and Paula Davis have been married for over four decades and have two adult children. Barry’s work life has been as a Chartered Accountant. He also completed a theology degree in USA and has been involved in pastoring and church planting. In recent years his ministry has centred on developing relational tools for men as they explore their inner worlds. Paula has a Doctor of Education. Her research explored the transferability of Western trauma constructs to collective societies. Working in higher education over many years as senior lecturer in counselling, she presently works as a clinical counsellor/supervisor and adjunct lecturer in counselling. Together, Barry and Paula design relational tools for married couples and have delivered marriage education workshops in Australia, Kenya, Uganda, Sri Lanka, India and Switzerland.
Barry and Paula see themselves as an ordinary couple living through the highs and lows of married life. They are passionate about sharing their journey because they believe that their experiences offer hope to other couples who desire to improve their relationships. The label, ‘passionate about relationships’ is worn as a badge of honour. They are acutely sensitive to unfairness and injustice in all societies and work for a better world where they can. They possess an unshakable desire to keep pushing the boundaries of learning to love well and are zealous in sharing what they are learning.
Nevertheless, they enjoy lingering over a good coffee and can be found utterly absorbed in experiencing fun in the great outdoors. They especially enjoy challenge and risk, having experienced skydiving, great white shark cage diving, walking with African lions and zip-lining across the Zambezi River gorge.
Our Story
From Marriage to Eternity
Seven years into our marriage, our relationship experienced its rockiest time. One day I (Barry) was cleaning up the garage hoping the hurtful and painful issues between us would magically disappear. (My motto was, “When the going gets tough, the tough go to work!”) But underneath existed a dull ache that would not be salved by work. Meanwhile, the anguish in my (Paula’s) heart howled for relief. After several years of torment, we had reached our final scream.
In a decisive act of hurt, anger and exasperation, I (Paula) entered the garage and told Barry it was over – we would only stay together for the sake of our children. I was still hoping for some reaction from Barry that would tell me there was hope that we could work it out. However, instead of inviting him, I meanly precipitated a crisis that demanded a response. How could it come to this when we had entered marriage with such high hopes and strong conviction? Bruised, broken hearted, bewildered and bleeding we were now at the end of the road.
Many years later, we entered our twenty-fifth year of marriage. We decided not only to celebrate our anniversary, but our desire was to celebrate the joy of marriage, our growing intimacy and our life together. Again we went to the alter to renew our wedding vows and pledge new vows for our future together. It was a tender, special milestone.
Why the contrast? What happened to bring us from the lowest point we have ever experienced to the joy of celebration?
If you are married, you will know that marriage is like that. It is in our closest relationships where we really hurt the most. There is no hurt like the hurt that happens in the place where we love and there is no joy like the intense joy of experiencing genuine intimacy. Marriage will always be a mystery to us. We can allow it to change us or it can destroy us.
Our marriage has been an extraordinary, miraculous journey of discovery and grace. We want to share that journey with you. Even though marriage is a mystery, there are life-giving principles that enable us to experience rich and powerful intimacy with each other. We encourage you to nurture and renew your marriage by taking time out to attend a marriage event. Our hope is that your marriage will be truly enriched, as together we seek to learn what it means to love well.
Come, grow with us!
Paula and Barry